Piles of Books Why Writers Should Read

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  1. I totally agree with you, Zara! As a writer, I love to escape into another book that is not my own. I need to “quiet” the voices in my head and reading helps me to escape. I love learning new words and seeing new voices. Currently, I’m reading two romance books (one a vampire and the other a western), a non-fiction book on the Vikings and another on 101 Things to do with Olive Oil. Great post!

  2. By the way, I forgot to mention that writers must also read magazines. I couldn’t exist with out the poetry and short stories in The Atlantic, The New Yorker, and Harpers. I also read a flash fiction story every day courtesy of Every Day Fiction https://www.patreon.com/everydayfiction

    1. Excellent point! Flash fiction seems doable as a reading goal! I’ve written more magazine articles than novels, that’s for sure. 🙂 Getting there!

  3. Christa, everything you say is so true. Thank you for giving examples of how books you have read have made you a better write.I too wonder how audiobooks will affect use as writers.

  4. I definitely agree about reading a lot, and widely! The whole reason I write is to spark others’ imaginations, and the thing I love best about reading is when other writers spark my imagination. Characters, for an example from one of your recent books, down by the seashore studying the sea floor (with so much feistiness!) can stay in our hearts, minds, and consciousness for a long time. They become real people, both when we share their joys and when we share their sorrows or frustration at their behaviour.

    I love books with innovative formats, such as the Princess Bride, and innovative quirks. Jude Devereaux started the tradition of a little jump through time to find a hero from the past and I guess I got hooked on that, as a writer, for the moment… I love books with surprises in them. Now we might expect time travel, but what other surprises can writers pop in their books? Dragons? The historical periods you are writing about offer readers many surprises from real life that a lot don’t know about, too.

    I guess I’m saying: I read to be surprised and delighted, but I definitely agree with you about studying the structure and methods too. Any new writer wanting to break in definitely needs to study that, and the best way to study it is to devour books!

    I devour most of my books by audiobooks these days, and it’s probably not as good for my writing. Interesting to wonder about that!


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