Award-winning Close to the Skin by Zara West

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  1. I often check out a book when its winning an award is first announced. But I decide based on blurb and reviews.
    Good luck in the Rones, Zara!

    1. That is basically what I do too. So I think blurbs are really important. I am going to investigate writing them next.

  2. Good post, Zara. Congratulations on your wins, and on your book! When I buy books I’m not influenced by awards and status. I like to find those gems that are out there, just undiscovered. I choose what interests me, and sometimes what doesn’t, just to keep my outlook rounded. Sure, some of them are duds, but so are some bestsellers.
    I wish you best of luck!

    1. I posted a poll on Facebook, and while only two authors responded, both said awards made no difference in sales. I’m beginning to think it is an ego thing. I agree I have read some dud bestsellers too.

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