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  1. Wonderful interview, Ladies! Your books sound intriguing, Diane. Wishing you continued success. 🙂

  2. Hi, Diane. Greetings from Atlantic Canada. And, yes, I agree with Lucy. Diane knows a lot about sticking with it! Miss my mid-Michiganders! Say “hi” to everyone for me.

    1. Thanks, Nancy. So good to hear from you. Any of us (you included Nancy & Lucy) who’ve been around for a while know about perseverance. Not giving up is essential to getting published. We earn our “stripes” by keeping at it. Each book we write, whether published or under the bed, is practice. The more we practice the better we get at it. Best wishes, Nancy. We miss you, too.

  3. Diane is an excellent example of perseverance and an inspiration to all the writers who know her! Best wishes with your new release, Diane.

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